設 立 Foundation

1952年(昭和27年)10月10日 ※発足式をホテル、ニューグランドにて開催。

The society was founded on October 10, 1952. ※The opening ceremony was held at Hotel New Grand.

会長挨拶 Message from President

横浜日米協会 会長
望月 淳 Atsushi Mochizuki
The Japan-America
Society of Yokohama

 また、若い世代の方々を中心とした活動組織である「ユースクラブ(YOUTH CLUB)」を発足させるなど、更なる事業の充実と組織の活性化に取り組んでいるところでありますが、こうした取り組みの一環として、この度、新たに、当協会の存在や魅力ある各種事業活動の積極的な対外的アピールを目的として、公式ホームページを開設いたしました。

Yokohama has been developing as a gate for modernization of Japan since it opened its port in 1859. In the year before opening the port, the United States concluded an amicable trade treaty with Japan. Since then, Japan and the United States had strong relationships and cooperation to secure the peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region as important partners who share values despite difficulties during some unfortunate times.
The Japan-America Society of Yokohama was founded in 1952 to promote some activities for the mutual understanding between Japanese and American citizens and foster their friendship. JASY has had many kinds of activities in our history. JASY has regular projects such as the U.S. Independence Day Party, New Year's party, Exchange Program with U.S. Department of State FSI Center and some lectures. And also JASY has some anniversary events in milestone years.
JASY is trying to make projects more fulfilling and activate the society by launching the Youth Club for the young generation. As one of these projects, JASY decided to launch an official website in order to promote the society and its fascinating projects.
JASY continues to work on promoting mutual understanding and exchange between Japan and America in Yokohama through grass-roots activities.
We look forward to your kind support and cooperation, and we are also looking forward to seeing you as a member.

歴代会長 Past Presidents

[初代会長] 野村 洋三 横浜商工会議所会頭/ホテル、ニューグランド会長
[第2代会長] ドノヴァン アメリカ文化センター
[第3代会長] 李家 孝 横浜商工会議所会頭/三菱重工業相談役
[第4代会長] 穴水 清彦 横浜商工会議所会頭/相模鉄道会長
[第5代会長] 上野 豊 横浜商工会議所会頭/上野運輸商会会長
[第6代会長] 上保 嘉保 イセビル社長
[第7代会長] 加藤 進治 横浜商工会議所副会頭/アポロ石油社長
[第8代会長] 西田 義博 横浜商工会議所副会頭/西田通商社長
[第9代会長] 上野 孝 横浜商工会議所会頭/上野トランステック(株)会長兼社長
[第10代会長] 望月 淳 横浜商工会議所顧問/浜銀ファイナンス(株)会長



The First President Yozo NOMURA Former Chairman, YCCI / Former Chairman, Hotel New Grand
The Second President Donovan America Cultural Center
The Third President Takashi RINOIE Former Chairman, YCCI / Former Advisor, Mitsubishi Heavy Industrial Group
The Fourth President Kiyohiko ANAMIZU Former Chairman, YCCI / Former Chairman, Sagami Railway Co.,Ltd
The Fifth President Yutaka UYENO Former Chairman, YCCI / Former Chairman, Uyeno Unyu Shokai
The Sixth President Yoshiyasu UWABO Former President, Isebuilding
The Seventh President Shinji KATO Former Vice Chairman, YCCI / Former President, Apollo Sekiyu Co.,Ltd
The Eighth President Yoshihiro NISHIDA Former Vice President, YCCI / Former President, Y.Nishida&Co.,LTD.
The Ninth President Takashi UYENO Chairman, YCCI / Chairman and President, Uyeno Transtech Ltd.
The Tenth President Atsushi MOCHIZUKI Consultant, YCCI / Representative Director and Chairman, Hamagin Finance Co., Ltd.

(As of July 2020)

Board of Directors

[会長] 日本側 望月 淳 横浜商工会議所顧問/
[副会長] 日本側 原 信造 (株)ホテル、ニューグランド 会長兼社長
[副会長] 米国側 トーマス・ティレル 白馬ホテルグループ マネージャー
[監事] 日本側 尾﨑 一雄 (株)三菱UFJ銀行 横浜支店長
[理事] 日本側 赤岡 謙 横浜市国際局長
[理事] 日本側 秋山 桂子 山陽印刷(株)会長
[理事] 日本側 梅本 千晶 シドモア桜の会(ニューヨーク)代表
[理事] 日本側 岡田 伸浩 (株)横浜岡田屋 社長
[理事] 日本側 香川 智佳子 神奈川県国際文化観光局長
[理事] 日本側 北川 剛司 北川商事(株)社長
[理事] 日本側 齊藤 宏之 東京汽船(株)社長
[理事] 日本側 藤木 幸太 藤木企業(株)社長
[理事] 日本側 星野 幸彦 京浜都市事業企画 代表
[理事] 日本側 村上 徹也 (株)水みらい広島 副社長
[理事] 日本側 横山 正人 横浜市会議員
[理事] 日本側 渡邊 正典 (株)メモワール 社長
[理事] 米国側 バーリット・セービン 米国大使館 広報・文化交流部 メディア分析・翻訳室 主任
[理事] 米国側 ブルース・バートン アメリカ・カナダ大学連合日本研究センター 所長
[理事] 米国側 カーメラ・カンロイ 米国国務省日本語研修所 所長


President Atsushi MOCHIZUKI Consultant, YCCI / Representative Director and Chairman, Hamagin Finance Co., Ltd.
Vice President Shinzo HARA President, Hotel New Grand
Vice President Thomas E. TYRRELL Manager, Hakuba Hotel Group
Comptroller Kazuo OZAKI General Manager, MUFG Bank, Ltd. Yokohama Branch
Director Ken AKAOKA Director General, International Affairs Bureau, City of Yokohama
Director Keiko AKIYAMA Chairman, Sanyo Print Co., Ltd.
Director Chiaki UMEMOTO Representative, The Eliza Schidmore Cherry Blossom Society, New York
Director Nobuhiro OKADA President, Yokohama Okadaya Co., Ltd.
Director Chikako KAGAWA Director General, International Affairs, Culture and Tourism Bureau, Kanagawa Prefecture
Director Takeshi KITAGAWA President, Kitagawa Shoji Co., Ltd.
Director Hiroyuki SAITO President, Tokyo Kisen Co.,Ltd.
Director Kota FUJIKI President, Fujiki Kigyo Corporation
Director Yukihiko HOSHINO Representative, Keihintoshi Jigyo Kikaku
Director Tetsuya MURAKAMI Vice President, Mizu Mirai Hiroshima Corporation
Director Masato YOKOYAMA City Council Member, Yokohama City Council
Director Masanori WATANABE President, Memoire Inc.
Director Burritt H. SABIN Senior Supervisory Translator/Media Analyst, MATT, Public Affairs Section,
Embassy of the United States of America
Director Bruce L. BATTEN Resident Director, Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies
Director Carmela CONROY Director, United States Department of State Foreign Service Institute Japanese Language and Area Training Center

(As of July 2020)

会員の状況Numbers of JASY Members

会員数 約120名 (2020年7月現在)

About 120 Members (As of July 2020)

定 款Articles of Incorporation




We have annual social events celebrating traditional cultural holidays, U.S. Independence Day and New Year.
We also offer seminars inviting well-known guest speakers and exchange programs with the U.S. Department of State Japanese Language Training Center.
